So, you’ve just landed a contract with a new client who wants to an aseptic product, or you are a craft brewer or other beverage company who produces its own quality products. Either way, when your business starts growing, you need to make sure that you are ready to meet the changing demands with equipment that mets your standards and allows you to produce the finest product. Which means you’re going to need quality stainless steel tanks, engineered and manufactured to the highest international standards that provide safety and quality to ensure there is nothing that stops allows your quality produced to reflect the quality of your company and to help your business boom.
This article will help you explore the many benefits of using stainless steels for your business.
At CornerStone Stainless Containers, quality stainless steel tanksis our business, it iswhat we do and it is what ensures the quality of your product is improved by your use of stainless steel.
In German StärkerTM means strong, think, durable and this term clearly defines our StärkerTM brand of stainless steel tanks deigned and manufactured in Europe. The StärkerTM brand Stainless steel pressure tanks allows you to put nitrogen or other gases on top of the product as a blanket (nitrogen blanket) because the nitrogen is heavier than most gases it forces the others out and provides a nitrogen blanket on top of the product. This blanket prevents contamination of your product through introduction of outside contaminates. With injection of inert gas or other gases, including ambient air, utilizing the pressure, you can force viscous liquid materials out of the container through the bottom discharge. With a StärkerTM pressure container you are able to evacuate more of your product and be more efficient with the discharge and utilization of the product. With stainless steel you don’t have waste of a foil bag, or other inner package, which not only retains residual product but but creates waste which needs to be disposed of in a land fill or other waste system
The versatility of these StärkerTM tanks provides for have multipurpose properties and can be perfect for industrial and craftproduction use where quality control, the sanitation characteristics of stainless steel and aseptic or sterile conditions are required.
So, the choice is really upto you and your requirements for selecting the rights tanks. We understand the food and beverage industry and can help you choose the tank which fits your needs. Over the last twenty years our management team has moved thousands of stainless steel containers from our suppliers into the USA market. Our StärkerTM designs are a result of two decades of experience with the leading European stainless steelcontainer manufacturers. They represent the best of quality, standards, certification and value.
When it comes to our StärkerTM containers there is a 10 yearguarantee on the workmanship and welding in the quality we provide. In the twenty years that our team has been working with our plant less than 10 tanks have had a weld issue that needed to be addressed and in many cases these were post delivery problems at the customers’ facilities resulting from mishandling in their factory or shipping. With the thounds of containers we have been involved with 10 spot welds is an incredible number! If only everything were manufactured to this quality!
In addition to our StärkerTM lines we cancustomize the specifications according to your needs, operation and facility. Need a different spout or port configuration, we can do that. Need a different location for your discharge valve, we can do that. Need insulation, jacketing, electrical heating, we can do that. Let us know your needs and we can come back to you with a design to meet your needs at a price that reflects our outstanding production efficiencies and technologies.
The Cornerstone Stainless Containersare designed for Clean-in-Place (CIP) and Sterilization-in-Place (SIP) for inside sterilization. Stainless steel provides a non-porus surface for sterilization through proper use of time and temperature technology.
When you are looking for high-quality stainless-steel tanks (containers / IBC’s) youwant to ensure that the integrity of the product is not compromised because it is your brand’s image and the quality that you guarantee to your customer. By working with CSC StärkerTM tanks you are decreasing the chance of producing a product that does not meet your standards and specifications. You would want to ensure that your equipment is up to the task and is not going to fail through regular use, with CSC European design, craftmanship and manufacturing you are putting quality on your side.
In addition to our quality StärkerTM tanks at CSC, we offer new and used tanks, that meet our high standards. The durability of these containers allows for refurbishing used tanks that can stay in the fleet as fully functional tanks for decades. If it were not for the scuffed up or dirty appearance (a good washing improves the appearance) of a used tank it would be impossible to tell a quality used tank from a new one.
Provide the industry’s highest standards of refurbished containers. You can rest assured that you will get the same reliable performance every single day.
The Cornerstone Stainless Containers brand of tanks are certified to meet strict EU standards including EC and TṺV for pressure tanks according to the European pressure equipment directive PED 2014/68/EU and with CE mark.
Many of our ambient pressure tanks are UN certified for UN 31A/Y approved as an intermediate bulk container (IBC) under ADR, RID, ADN and IMDG-code, chapter 6.5 for the transport of liquid hazardous material in packing groups II and III by sea, rail, road and inland waters; this allows for transport of UN rated packaging of Ⅱ&Ⅲclass hazardous and non-hazardous liquid products.
Ecologically the stainless steel tanks are a solution to sustainability as these tanks are known to last for decades. There is little residual waste of product, no foil and plastic bag to throw away, and no cardboard or fiber to recycle. The tanks have a very durable and strong structure that protects it and the loading/unloading equipment while at the same time enables it to be of practical use.
Most of the Cornerstone Stainless Containers pressure tanks are stackable 3 high empty and 2 high full. This allows for efficient use of storage space and the 750 liter container is specifically designed to stack two high in a truck for efficient return logistics.
Designed with European Carftmanshipand Excellence. Quality and value designed for your business. Working with one of our European designed StärkerTM tanks or have us build one to your design and needs.
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