cornerstone stainless containers
In Stainless Steel Tanks
What is a racking arm and how do they work?

Racking arms are an essential component in the brewing process, allowing brewers to transfer beer from one vessel to another with precision and ease. These devices are designed to fit into the side of a tank or fermenter, providing a channel for the beer to flow through.

Racking arms work by using gravity to move beer from one container to another. When the racking arm is attached to the tank or fermenter, it sits at an angle that allows the beer to flow towards the end of the arm. At the end of the arm, there is a valve that can be opened or closed to control the flow of beer.

To use a racking arm, a brewer will attach a hose to the valve at the end of the arm and connect it to the vessel they want to transfer the beer into. By opening the valve on the racking arm, the beer will flow out of the tank and through the hose into the new vessel.

One of the benefits of using a racking arm is that it allows brewers to transfer beer without disturbing the sediment or yeast that has settled at the bottom of the tank. By positioning the racking arm above the sediment layer, the brewer can transfer only the clear beer above it.

Another advantage of using a racking arm is that it provides a more precise transfer of beer. By controlling the flow of beer with the valve at the end of the arm, brewers can ensure that they are transferring exactly the amount of beer they want, without any spills or overflows.

Racking arms can be used in a variety of brewing processes, including transferring beer from a fermenter to a bright tank for conditioning or packaging, or for transferring beer from one fermentation vessel to another for blending.

When selecting a racking arm, it's important to choose one that is the correct size and length for the vessel it will be used in. A racking arm that is too short may not reach the desired level of beer, while one that is too long may be difficult to maneuver and control.

In conclusion, racking arms are an important tool for brewers that allow for precise and controlled transfers of beer between vessels. By using gravity to move the beer and a valve to control the flow, brewers can transfer only the clear beer above sediment and avoid spills or overflows. When selecting a racking arm, it's important to choose one that is the right size and length for the vessel it will be used in, to ensure the best results. Contact CSC

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